Mistnet SOLUTION: 

Automated Threat Hunting

Stop playing defense. Start playing offense.

AI-assisted real-time threat hunting for investigations, retrospective analysis across the enterprise

Industry-first built-in MITRE ATT&CK™ Engine is the easy button for tactic, technique and threat group discovery

Custom options and configurations for long term forensic investigation and compliance requirements

The Problem

If you’re like most enterprises, overwhelmed on a daily basis by alerts and alarms, the idea of proactive threat hunting sounds like a far off dream. Fact is, too much of the time your SOC team is on their heals playing non-stop defense.

To add to matters, threat hunting is no trivial task requiring deep skills in addition to time. Frameworks and models exist such as the Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain and MITRE ATT&CK™ framework, the latter of which is gaining increasing adoption.

The challenge with the frameworks and models is they are just that—frameworks and models. As a result there is still a considerable amount of work left to the security team to figure out how to operationalize the models and apply in the context of hunting or forensic investigations. To do it right and to automate it for 24×7 hunting is no small task, requiring once again time and expertise.

About threat hunting

At MistNet we live and breathe threat hunting and our CyberMist platform is purpose-built for it. We start by collecting the richest, highest fidelity security data across networks, clouds, operating systems, and end users. We add to that pretty much every log file, IDS signature and threat intel data feed under the sun to generate the ultimate ground-truth data across the entire enterprise attack surface.

We co-locate high-performance big data analytic processing alongside the data capture through our TensorMist-AI™ technology. This enable ultra-fast ultra-scalable threat detection from desktop to data center to cloud.

We add to that our real-time AI-enabled threat hunting and industry-first built-in MITRE ATT&CK™ Engine allowing you to hunt in real-time for tactics, techniques and threat groups across multiple attack vectors. CyberMist’s visualization tools makes it all super easy, allowing just about anyone to hunt like a pro in a matter of minutes

And the MITRE ATT&CK Engine is also perfect for red team-blue team exercises, measuring security efficacy and compliance, and providing a common vocabulary and taxonomy across organizations. Try it today!

Turn your SOC team into a SWAT team today!


Public Cloud Threat Detection

Make your public cloud instances less public.

Comprehensive detection with deep packet inspection, cloud DVR, and forensic packet capture

Seamless coverage across AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and private cloud properties

Zero primary data movement out of the VPC, reducing costs and risks to privacy and compliance

The Problem

Enterprises big and small are flocking to the public cloud. Many customers are all-in with AWS, others have adopted a multi-cloud strategy combining AWS with Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or their own private cloud resources to form a hybrid cloud.

Staying secure in these environments, however, can be a real challenge even for the largest enterprises as news headlines continue to reveal.

According to a recent enterprise study 51% of organizations publicly exposed at least one cloud storage service. And 27% of public cloud account users’ accounts are potentially compromised. These are merely two out of a long list of statistics that reveal just how vulnerable enterprises are in the public cloud.

Making matters worse, traditional on-premise security tools and techniques are not designed for the dynamic, fully virtualized, nature of the public cloud. Existing gaps between endpoint and network detection as an example are further exacerbated in the public cloud. Similarly, traditional cloud-based analytics packages hit road blocks in the public cloud due to growing costs and growing risks to privacy and compliance.


The CyberMist platform is designed to help you take the ‘public’ out of your public cloud deployments whether you’re using AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or all of them. Mistnet starts by leveraging the latest features that the public cloud providers offer (e.g. AWS VPC Traffic Mirroring, Microsoft Azure vTap).

Mistnet is able ingest all the network security data just like a traditional network traffic analytics package but it does not just stop there. Mistnet also ingests and models OS and workload behaviors across virtual machine and Kubernetes/containerized environments.

Mistnet rolls all of this into our AI-driven 360-degree contextualization engine providing unparalleled anomaly detection, reducing false positives and equipping your teams with actionable, intelligible security narratives, not security nonsense. With CyberMist you get full deep-packet inspection, comprehensive detection mapped to NIST and MITRE ATT&CK™, automated hunting and ’DVR’ capabilities, plus options for forensic packet capture.

And unlike any other solution out there, Mistnet is able to do it all without needing to move any of your precious security data out of your VPC thanks to our TensorMist-AI™ technology. No added backhaul costs, no added risks to privacy or compliance. Test drive CyberMist’s threat detection capabilities in your public cloud environment today!

Let’s us help you take the ‘public’ out of the public cloud


Security Stack Modernization

Simplify your security stack. Fortify your enterprise.

Retire legacy security products and technologies, lower costs

Simplify and modernize security stack, lower complexities

Fortify security, threat detection and forensics end-to-end

The Problem

If you’re like most enterprise, you have a wide range of security products at work in your environment, from legacy firewalls to intrusion detection systems to network traffic analysis to SIEM platforms and a whole lot more. In fact, the typical enterprise has over 30 different security products in use. Yikes!

For many, this security ‘sprawl’ is costly, noisy and in many cases prone to gaps in security coverage. Too much garbage data, too many false positives, too few people to handle it all. It’s a recipe for breaches to happen.CyberMist changes all that.


CyberMist monitors virtually all aspects of network, end user, OS, and cloud behaviors. Our solution will allow you to immediately retire legacy, costly IDS products and contracts, and go beyond legacy network traffic analysis systems or niche UEBA products. CyberMist can even help you save on your SIEM indexing costs, or ultimately provide SIEM functionality.

See for yourself what simplifying and modernizing your security stack with CyberMist can do for you to save costs and simplify operations while fortifying your enterprise. Contact us today to learn more!

Simplify your security stack and fortify your enterprise today!