Mistnet – Location:  The Data Center

  • Threat Detection for Your Data Centers
  • Protection for your mission-critical workloads and data

Supports physical switching environments from 10 Gbps to 400 Gbps

Supports virtual switching environments with VMware NSX or Open vSwitch

Models bare metal, virtualized machine, and/or containers (Docker, Kubernetes)

The Problem


Your data centers, whether on-premise or in co-location facilities, run some of your most mission-critical workloads and store some of your most precious data. And most likely you have a range of computing environments to contend with from bare metal, to virtualized, to containerized micro-services.

Adding to this of course the speeds at which modern data centers operate, typically 10 to 25 Gbps at the server level and 100 to 400 Gbps at the backbone level makes security, and in particular real-time threat detection a real challenge.



CyberMist is designed to excel in these environments, capable of supporting any compute environment at scale in modern data center configurations. CyberMist is built on an innovative cloud-native, scale-out, architecture that allows both collection and analytic processing engines to scale uniformly to virtually any scale.

Mistnet is able to monitor both east-west traffic inside your data centers as well as north-south traffic in and out of your data centers. Mistnet can spot lateral movements and data exfiltration and the built-in MITRE ATT&CK™ Engine let’s you hunt like a pro detecting and responding to tactic, techniques and threat groups in real time.

The CyberMist platform is deployed in Fortune 1000 data centers around the world providing high-speed AI-assisted threat detection and response at scale.

Let us show you how we can help secure your data centers from threat and vulnerabilities today!

Mistnet – Location:   The Office

  • Threat Detection for Your Office  Environments
  • Protection for your networks, end users and end points

Full north-south and east-west visibility across the entire enterprise attack surface

Develop highly-contextualized ground truth models of end-user and network behaviors

Prevent malware, ransomware, and other threats from taking its toll on your enterprise

The Problem

The office. It’s grown up quite a bit through the years. And it’s becoming tougher and tougher to keep secure. Employees and partners are coming and going with all sorts of devices, networks are everywhere from wired, to Wi-Fi, to 4G/5G, and office automation technologies for lighting, HVAC, etc. completes the patchwork picture.

It might make for a great work environment, but it also makes for a great target… a target for ransomware, malware, data exfiltration, and more. 


The CyberMist platform can be quickly and easily deployed in your headquarters and or branch/retail environments. CyberMist scales effortlessly monitoring all east-west and north-south traffic, protecting against threats in real time.

CyberMist can scale effortlessly monitoring all east-west and north-south traffic, protecting against threats and vulnerabilities in real time. And the built-in MITRE ATT&CK™ Engine let’s you hunt like a pro detecting and responding to tactic, techniques and threat groups in real time.

For large-scale, highly-distributed environments, CyberMist’s TensorMist-AI™ technology truly shines. With TensorMist-AI, bid data analytics are distributed and co-located on site with the security data collection engines. This means not only ultra-fast performance and responsiveness, but it also means zero data movement.

Zero data movement means no moving data to the cloud or backhauling it to one of your data centers for processing. This means no tax on your WAN or Internet links​. And perhaps more importantly it means no risks to privacy or compliance, by eliminating security data movement across geographic and or organizational boundaries.

Let us show you how we can help secure your office environments from threat and vulnerabilities today!

Mistnet – Location:  Cloud




  • Threat Detection for Multi-Cloud Instance
  • Protection for your workloads and data, wherever they may be

Sophisticated modeling and correlation capabilities based on network, OS, and application-level data

Easily scales up or down with cloud services providing single-pane-of-glass view across multiple cloud properties

Agentless support for AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure with zero data movement across VPCs

The Problem

Forecast for today and into the future calls for clouds, a lot of them. Enterprises big and small are sold on the merits of cloud computing and many are adopting a multi-cloud strategy combing multiple public cloud platforms (e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud) entirely or by adding into the mix private cloud resources as well.

It doesn’t take much from a security standpoint, though, for things can get out of hand pretty fast. Workloads come and go like the wind, bouncing around from cloud to cloud, and underlying conditions can vary significantly from bare metal to virtual machine to containerized / Kubernetes to full-blown micro-service DevOps environments.

Making matters more challenging, the cloud virtualizes everything blurring lines between endpoint and network. This further exacerbates the already artificial boundaries between endpoint and network detection packages creating gaps in coverage and dark spots.


The CyberMist platform excels in multi-cloud environments. To start, CyberMist provides complete visibility across all of your public and private cloud properties, scaling effortlessly to 100Gbps speeds and beyond.

The system can ingest all network data just like a network traffic analysis platform, but is able to go beyond that by also ingesting operating system and workload level data. This allows Mistnet to break down the barriers between endpoint and network detection, providing the most accurate 360-degree view into threats and vulnerabilities across the entire attack surface.

But it’s not just about collecting better data. Mistnet also applies a smarter analytics model through our TensorMist-AI™ technology. With TensorMist-AI Mistnet co-locates analytic processing alongside the collection engines constructing a geo-distributed big data analytics mesh that spans your multi-cloud deployment. This means not only ultra-fast, ultra-scalable threat detection, response and hunting, but it also means zero data movement between clouds resulting in lower transport or backhaul charges, and lower risks to privacy and compliance.

Let us show you what CyberMist can do to help secure your multi-cloud deployment today!

Mistnet – Location:  IoT & ICS

  • Threat Detection for Your IOT & ICS Resources
  • Protection for your control systems, sensors, and other ‘things’

Unified visibility and pervasive threat detection for IoT and industrial control systems (ICS)

WAN friendly–maximum collection and detection with little impact to the WAN

Seamlessly integrates with IT, for complete and unified visibility end-to-end

The Problem

Across many different industry verticals, IoT technologies are being deployed for surveillance, for sensors, and for a whole lot of other ‘thing’. Additionally legacy and new industrial control systems (ICS) are coming online at a rapid pace adding to an already crowded and complex landscape.

Keeping things secure is a daunting task to say the least. Virtually everything deployed has a network connection, and some with some pretty well-known vulnerabilities. Adding to that, IoT and ICS products can run the gamut of system software from Linux, to legacy Windows/Windows CE, to proprietary software, bringing an added set of unique vulnerabilities.


CyberMist and its TensorMist-AI™ architecture can help you get ahead of things keeping your IOT and ICS deployments safe from threats and vulnerabilities. CyberMist is able to monitor IoT endpoints and related traffic as well ICS traffic for anomalous behaviors in real time. And with TensorMist-AI, we don’t need to move any of the ultra high-fidelity security data that Mistnet has collected since we’ve colocated big data analytic processing alongside our collection engines.

TensorMist-AI eliminates the need to backhaul security data to the cloud or to a centralized analytics cluster. This means CyberMist won’t overrun your WAN or drain your WAN budget. And perhaps more importantly it means you won’t be violating any privacy and compliance regulations by eliminating the need to move data across organizational or geographic boundaries. All sounds pretty cool, huh? We think so. Let us show you.

Let us help you keep your ‘things’ secure!