Managed Phishing & Security Awareness Training

Your Employees Are Your Weakest Link

Extreme diligence is required because adversaries will leverage multiple tactics to gain access into your organization every day. It only takes one successful social engineering or business email compromise attempt to cripple your operations. Our Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training helps you identify risk, and test user resiliency, while you enable behavioral change and generate measurable results across the business.

Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training drives behavioral change across your organization

With our Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training we put your organization on the forefront of user protection against the latest social engineering attacks. Our robust phishing libraries consist of hundreds of templates, ensuring your users are tested against real-world scenarios, not just commoditized and easy to spot templates.

Our end-to-end Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training service alleviates the resources required to manage an effective user resiliency program. By leveraging software paired with dedicated social engineering experts, we ensure your staff is continuously tested and your weakest link is hardened against the most sophisticated phishing attempts.

The Difference

Extending well beyond checking a compliance box, the Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training program generates measurable results for your business and ensures your organization is resilient against the latest social engineering threats and business email compromise tactics.



End-user dashboards


Randomized and automated phishing campaigns   

Branded dashboards


Report-a-phish button

Risk assessment surveys       


Cybersecurity framework (CSF) alignment (i.e. NIST)

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Co-management and managed delivery      

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If you want to improve your security posture, start here with Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training

Our end-to-end service alleviates the resources required to operationalize an effective user resiliency program. With our Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training program, your staff is continuously tested and defenses hardened against even the most sophisticated phishing attempts.

  • End-to-end management
  • Industry leading platform
  • Real-world emulation
  • Robust training library
  • Automated training assignment
  • User and departmental risk scoring
  • Ongoing communication
  • Co-management access
  • Measured improvements
  • Satisfy compliance requirements
  • Technical and executive reporting
  • Quarterly walk-throughs


Tangible Results that Reduce Your Risk

Drive Results with our Managed Phishing and Security Awareness Training:

  • Removes the complexity of managing an effective phishing and security awareness training program
  • Illuminates department level and overall organizational risk
  • Extends the expertise of your security team with integrated social engineering professionals
  • Drives immediate behavioral change and long-term security awareness
  • Tests your users against the latest social engineering tactics used in real-world scenarios
  • Hardens overall organization against user-based risk
  • Identifies susceptible users before attackers can capitalize
  • Achieves regulatory and third-party reporting requirements
  • Aligns to multiple Cybersecurity frameworks (CSF) including NIST
  • Co-management and managed delivery